Music, Psychology

Violinist, why they are different from common people

ViolinistOn this article, I will write down about a musician especially violinists. Referenced from a couple of psychology literature, from my own experience playing violin since junior high school, and also my analysis from my fellow violinists.

1. Violinst are mostly more patient, and less aggressive people.

This happens because of the scores that we have to memorize, and to play the tempo correctly. It wasn’t an easy things, seriously. Especially for you whom usually hasty at doing somethings, you need to overcome your ego in order to play the slow tempo like Adagio, Andante, or Moderato.

2. They have their left and right brain balanced.

Bowing (see bowing techniques), memorizing, and adjusting the tempo. All violinists doing this simultaneously for producing a nice and right sound. Their Corpus Callosum was always in charge when a violinists practice (source : And it will be an entirely different level if you are playing it on a group of violinists, especially in an orchestra.

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